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New FBI Warning -- Telephone
Calls Are Open To Vishing 

  • The FBI Has Issued A Warning 

    • U.S. businesses have a  growing threat of vishing attacks (voice phishing) vishing allows hackers  to gain access to [company information], corporate network credentials, and [client information]

  • Telecom Weakness 

    • Businesses need to tend to vulnerabilities

    • Most frequently, telecommunications weaknesses are overlooked 

    • Telephone calls often contain some of a company’s most critical and confidential information 

  • Gaping Hole For Hackers

    • In today’s world hackers can easily obtain new technology making it possible for hackers to tie into 1000’s of lines at once

    • Many popular packet analyzer hacking tools support custom plugins. These tools make decoding and exporting signals to standard audio file formats a relatively easy task, the audio files are then transcribed. 

    • Using algorithms the software is structured  to perform searches for critical data and harvest large quantities of confidential information

Source: Digital Journal  

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We know you want the peace of mind of knowing that you are protecting your clients. That's why protecting your vital information is so important to us. We are of maximum service to privacy-sensitive organizations. This is because we are highly-qualified in cybersecurity, as well as telecommunications encryption. Our XTE* service is especially geared toward financial organizations.  Moreover, we have a great awareness of the nature and importance of protecting sensitive information correctly. As solution providers, we are keenly in-step with how in today's world sophisticated hackers are targeting telephone systems because of the vulnerability inherent in most telecom.


Therefore, we offer the very best solutions for privacy and security. Again, we understand your requirements in ways many other communications providers do not. Thus, we provide the highest-grade privacy encryption available. It creates deep and effective layers of safety for your organization and your clients.

However, even though our systems have much greater technology than the norm, they are surprisingly user-friendly. Additionally, our phone and internet management system allow management teams simplified and unparalleled telecommunication monitoring. With us, you can be reassured, you have iron-clad encryption, coupled with unsurpassed quality, convenience, and control. 

*Extreme Telecommunications Ecryption 

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